Educational History


As a 2018 graduate from Marshall University’s B.S. in Communication Disorders program, I had experienced my fair share of challenges. However, I also experienced some of the most exciting times in my collegiate career. I am grateful for all the class projects, NSSLHA activities, research endeavors, and summer camps that I experienced during mu undergraduate career. My amazing experiences during my 4 years in the MUCD undergraduate program solidified my decision to continue my graduate studies at MU as well.


Being a graduate student in Marshall University’s Department of Communication Disorders has been a challenging, yet rewarding experience. I am so grateful for the hands-on experience and the emphasis on clinically applicable coursework that Marshall provides. Balancing coursework as well as on-site and off-site clinical experiences had its fair share of challenges, but I wouldn’t have traded any of my clinical experiences for the world. I had the opportunity to not only work with other SLPs, but also audiologists, dietitians, physical and occupation therapists, respiratory therapists, nurses, physicians, and many others during my clinical placements.